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  • ecuadorspanishseo

immersion spanish in Ecuador | full immersion spanish classes in quito

We have started 2020 grateful for the greetings and messages received; likewise, we send our best wishes for a successful new year to all our students and friends.

We have renewed our website which we hope will be friendly and clear enough. The options of Spanish classes that we offer are sure to cover all the expectations of our students.

Students can take Spanish classes in person, or virtually. When they do it in person they have the possibility of doing it in the School or traveling with the teacher through our geography which is undoubtedly one of the most attractive in South America.

Quito competed in the World Travel Awards and was considered the best tourist destination in South America, also recognized by TripAdvisor, and not only Quito but Ecuador is among the best tourist destinations.

Walking through the Andes, the Coast, the Amazon or the Galapagos with your teacher is a very effective and economical way to learn the language. During the trips the student receives the academic classes in the time that is most convenient for him/her; also, he/she will be able to practice the language immersion spanish in Ecuador and what he/she has learned directly with the people in a natural way which helps to enrich the vocabulary, the fluency, and the confidence; this is how our students learn Spanish fast, well and at very low prices.

We are sure that this 2020 we will have many students from different parts of the world grateful to full immersion spanish classes in quito and happy for this experience at Equinox Spanish School.

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